Sports and Excursions - Excursions Kenya Hotel

Diamonds Malindi



Don’t miss a half-day trip to Marafa Kanyon, an hour away from Malindi along an interesting drive through great plains, villages and acacia woods. Also known as Hell’s Kitchen, this canyon takes its name from an ancient legend which tells of a very wealthy family who once lived in this area.

They had so many cows that they used the milk not to drink but to wash their clothes. The legend goes that God made them fall into this canyon where the sun’s heat reaches very high temperatures.

Sunset is particularly evocative and we recommend planning your trip in the afternoon so as to finish the day with a truly moving moment: it is as if the rocks have caught fire!


Malindi is a continuous swarm of people, tuc tucs and matatus, children coming to and from school in different uniforms ‘colours, people riding bicycles, lots of people on foot…yet there aren’t many cars.

You can explore here in complete tranquillity.

Don’t miss a trip to the wood factory or the Malindi market.

Take advantage of the many sports activities organized every day by the sports center. Do not miss the opportunity to play sports in one of...
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Tsavo Safari
The Tsavo park extends for over 23,000 km² and is split into East and West. It is the largest park in Kenya and one of...
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